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If you have not travelled with the coach, hire Wakefield yet, then you must. We are sure you will not find such perfect coach hires as ours. Our customer care line is always open for placing your coach hire requests. Hence, we shall be waiting for your call for the bookings.
Whether you choose a 36-seater coach hire, 49-seater coach hire, 70-seater coach hire or a 77-seater double-decker, we employ the best amenities. Coach hire Wakefield also ensures that the buses undergo maintenance after every ride. This way, we can always provide you with our coach hires as new as a baby.
Without further ado, let us explore what our coach rentals have that distinguishes them as luxury coach hire:
In each coach hire Wakefield service, we employ air-conditioners that help maintain the temperature comfortably. You must also note that our air conditioners are modern and fully automatic. Thus you can sit back and relax while the temperature settings take care of on its own. Furthermore, you will notice that our chairs are very soft. You will love how the back cushions embrace your back and will support it.
Furthermore, there are reclining push buttons to tune up your seating comfort. This feature helps in adjusting the seat inclination. Moreover, as you stretch entirely, it will not bother the passenger ahead or behind you. It is because each seat in our coach hire has enough space. There are also armrests and footrests to elevate your seating comfort. You can fold them in and out as per your need.
Apart from these arrangements, we also employ wide-tinted glass windows upholstered with curtains. The windows are as clear as if there is no barrier between you and the outdoors. You will enjoy the view if you are seated next to a window.
You will have enough space for yourself and for moving around the bus. You can quickly move within the bus if you need to use the loo (yes, we have indoor washroom installations done). Moreover, you already have read about the personal seat space. It allows you to exploit your space fully to your comfort. However, there is one more thing to know about our bus seats. It is that our seats are wheelchair accessible. If you let us know beforehand, we will customise the bus seats to accommodate passengers who use wheelchairs. We provide such services that make our buses accessible for all. Furthermore, we also employ XXL seats for whom so ever it fits.
We also take good care of our passenger’s safety. From time to time, we provide ferry services to older adults and school-going kids. Hence, it has prompted us to employ CCTV cameras, dashcams, emergency call buttons, first aid and more.
We handle both regular and emergency coach hire services. Let us know what we can provide you, and we will successfully do it.
We were very pleased with the service we received. Our home is not easy to find but the driver had left plenty of time to follow our instructions when he phoned for help. He was very friendly and helpful. We will definitely use and recommend this company again especially for groups of 6 and above.
– Miriam, from
My family were going out to Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. The price was fantastic to take 10 of us out including multiple pick up and drop offs. The driver Atif was extremely pleasant, prompt and accommodating. Highly recommend and will definitely use them again. Kind Regards, Stephanie International Business Manager.
– Stephanieat, at Day Pitney LLP